[arsc-ml 19] ARSC-mlからのお知らせ

iskr @ tmu.ac.jp iskr @ tmu.ac.jp
2015年 9月 14日 (月) 13:12:36 JST



先日ご案内させていただいたThe 5th International Seminar on Integration of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and Transport Modeling(「応用一般均衡分析と交通分析の統合に関する国際セミナー」)

石倉智樹(首都大学東京,事務局):iskr @ tmu.ac.jp


++++++++++ プログラム(案)ここから ++++++++++

1日目:10月15日(木) Octorber 15th

10:00-11:30 Morning Lecture
小池淳司(神戸大学) Atsushi Koike (Kobe University)
 “Assessing Economic impacts of Transport Investment” 

13:00-13:30 開会挨拶 Opening Address
Lori Tavasszy  (TNO/TU Delft)

13:30-14:30 基調講演 Keynote Lecture
Johaness Brocker (Kiel University) 

14:50-16:20 セッション1:国際物流 (Global freight flows)
Ryuichi Shibasaki (NILIM) 
“Modeling of international freight flow on worldwide intermodal network including both maritime and land shipping and its application”

Kees Ruijgrok (University of Tilburg)
“Slow steaming and its effects on international freight network optimization”

Satoshi Tanabe (University of Tokyo)
“Impact Assessment Model of International Transportation Infrastructure Development: Focusing on Trade and Freight Traffic in Central Asia”

16:40-17:40 セッション2:貿易と経済 (Trade & Economic Modeling)
Shunsuke Segi (Kyoto University) 
“Economic Impacts of Reduced Wait Time at Canada-US Border Crossing: Integrating CGE Model and Cross-Border Transportation“

Lori Tavasszy (TNO/TU Delft) 
“Effects of internalization of external costs of supply chains”

18:00-20:00 Welcome Reception レセプション

2日目:10月16日(金) Octorber 16th

10:00-11:00 セッション3:ロジスティクスと交通 (Logistics and Transport Modeling)
円山 琢也(熊本大学)
Takuya Maruyama (Kumamoto University) 
“Long-Term Travel Forecasting using Trip-Chain-Based User Equilibrium Model”

Igor Davydenko (TNO):
“Logistics Chains in Freight Transport Modeling”

11:20-12:20 セッション4:直接・間接効果 (Direct and Indirect Effects)
Euijune Kim (Seoul National University)
“Impact of Railroad Investments on Regional Economies: an Approach of Spatial CGE Model with a Microsimulation Module of Railroad and Highway Networks”,

石倉 智樹 (東京首都大学) 
Tomoki Ishikura (Tokyo Metropolitan University) 
“Transnational Interregional CGE Model and Assessment of International and Intranational Transport Development”

12:30-14:00 昼食

14:00-15:00 セッション5:災害マネジメント1(Disaster Management I)
奥山 恭英 (北九州市立大学)
Yasuhide Okuyama (University of Kitakyushu) 
“Rise and Fall of the Kobe Economy from the 1995 Earthquake”,

Masato Yamazaki (Nagoya University) 
“A multi-regional dynamic CGE model for assessing the economic impacts of natural disasters”,

15:20-16:20 セッション6:災害マネジメント2 (Disaster Management II)
Olga Ivanova (PBL, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency) 
“Using EU-wide SCGE model for the assessment of indirect impacts of past climate extreme events”

織田澤 利守(神戸大学)
Toshimori Otazawa (Kobe University) 
“ Industrial Location and Vulnerability to Natural Hazards”

16:40-17:10 Closing Remarks


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