[arsc-ml 115] 第151回地域科学ワークショップのご案内

zhang yang zhang @ se.is.tohoku.ac.jp
2017年 2月 3日 (金) 18:04:05 JST

拝啓 時下ますますご清栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。 
たのでご案内申し上げます。ご多忙中とは存じますが,是非ご出席ください。 記 日 
時:2017年3月3日(金)16:00~18:00 場 所:東北大学 
情報科学研究科新棟412号室 報  告  者:潘 麗君(名古屋大学)**

タ イ ト ル:Is a Big Entrant a Threat to Incumbents?
        The Role of Demand Substitutability in Competition among the Big and the Small


We establish a model of market competition among big and small firms and
  investigate how demand substitutability affects the impacts of big
firms' entry on incumbents. We focus on the relative strength of two
opposing effects of entry on the incumbent big firms' demand: the direct
  substitution effect among the big firms (negative), and the indirect
feedback effect through the change in the aggregated behavior of small
firms (positive). If the substitutability between big and small firms is
  sufficiently high, the indirect effect dominates the direct effect, and
  the big incumbents' equilibrium prices and profits increase. We show
that the welfare effects are ambiguous, which calls for careful
assessment for regulating big firms' entry.

〒980-8579 仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉6-3-09
     TEL:  022-795-4503
     zhang @ se.is.tohoku.ac.jp

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